bowl of crayons

Dear Parents and Families,

Spring Jog A Thon

Our student senate is interested in putting on a spring fundraiser and would like to hold a JogAThon. Our staff will be scheduling this in the coming week and will let you know more information soon.

Upcoming Dates

-Science week will be April 15-18. Students will be exploring science concepts and creating projects to be highlighted at our science open house on April 18th at 3:00pm. Please join us if you can!

-We have scheduled a make-up day for May 24th. This is to make up for September 26th, when we had to close for a day to repair our plumbing. The updated calendar was emailed to everyone, and a physical copy was also sent home on January 26th.

-The last week of school will be a busy one. We are working to schedule our upper grade class trip on June 4th, the End of Year Celebration of Learning is scheduled for June 5th and Water Works Park field trip on June 6th. 

New Team Member Needed!

We are looking to add a staff member to our amazing team! If you or someone you know might be interested, please check out our posting on Ed Join

Current School Projects

Our kitchen is up and running after the updates that took place during spring break! We have a new stove and 3 basin sink! Come pop your head in and take a peek.

Important Reminders

*As we move from Winter to Spring, we’d like to remind our families of the school dress code. Please make sure to check the handbook. Some key points are: fingertip length or longer for shorts and skirts, no midriff showing for shirts, two finger width shoulder straps, and no flip flops.

Have a great spring break!

For the kids!

Mrs. Carver

Superintendent/Principal, Email: