About Us
Delphic Elementary School is a small, rural one building school district which is located in northern California’s lovely Shasta Valley. Three miles from Yreka, our little red schoolhouse is nestled among many cow pastures. Delphic School was established in 1916 to provide an education for students living between Yreka and Montague. The school currently serves the role of providing for local students and is an alternative for students living in neighboring school districts.
We are a K-8 grade school with an average daily attendance of 64 students (October 2017). Since Delphic School is small, we are able to provide a more personal educational program for our students. We have three classrooms with 3 teachers and 7 support staff. We have a library, large playground and outdoor area for students that includes a track. With recent modernization dollars and Proposition 39, our campus now boosts several updates including new climate control for the entire school. Our school buildings are in “good repair” as deemed by the Facility Inspection Tool developed by the State of California.
Delphic Elementary School’s mission is to create a learning environment of excellence-producing individuals with high standards that are inspired to become lifelong learners and contributing members of our society. A major role of Delphic School is to establish a caring, accepting school environment that helps build trust, foster the development of positive social skills, and enhance each student’s ability to make wise and healthy decisions.
The Delphic School program meets students’ needs by focusing on common concerns that are not always addressed in the traditional school program. This further promotes a positive perception of the classroom and school. Students come to regard school as a place where they are understood, thus, they become more motivated to learn.
We believe:
Children are our most important resource.
The family is the foundation of a child’s life.
All people can learn.
People deserve the opportunity to reach their full potential in a clean, safe, nurturing environment.
Hard work, self-discipline, and respect for yourself and others are necessary to succeed.
High expectations lead to greater achievement.
Self-worth is important for success.
People who are taught and allowed to succeed will continue to reach their potential.
People are responsible for their own behavior.
A balanced education contributes to the development of a whole person.
People must respect and accept individual differences.
If you have any questions regarding Delphic School, please contact Superintendent/Principal Jami Carver, Email Principal Jami Carver or by calling 530-842-3653